BRX Pro Tip: Office Hours Transcript
Stone Payton: [00:00:01] Welcome back to BRX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor, Stone Payton here with you. Lee, let’s talk a little bit about office hours. This is something that we have begun to do with our community of studio partners. I think we’re getting a real return on that investment. What are you thinking?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:19] Yeah, I think this is an example of what we call the righteous circle, where everybody wins by doing an activity like this. So, we do these office hours where we share best practices with the community. The community facilitates, we all participate. It allows all of us to learn faster, to iterate faster, to make changes, to explore best practices, to implement things, and brainstorm new ways of doing things.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:45] So, I love the way that we do this. It creates a sense of community. It gives everybody a voice in what’s happening and lets people know the news of what’s happening and how people are doing things. So, I think this type of training, it’s built on the spirit of generosity and collaboration. It lowers everybody’s risk because we’re all learning together and it increases all of our upside potential because we’re all learning together and we’re not really competing with each other.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:10] It’s great that we have this tool at our disposal. This is a great tool for our studio partners as well. You could be doing the same thing for your clients in your market. You can be doing office hours for them and bringing all your clients together to have a call or a meeting or meet-up, where you’re all sharing best practices and you’re all kind of learning from each other and cross-pollinating and helping everybody become successful faster. And that is something that we are always trying to do, is help our clients become successful faster.
Stone Payton: [00:01:42] Well, I’ll tell you what, as a studio partner, if you elect to do that, I would wager you will likely experience what I’ve experienced as we do the office hours for our studio partners, is a lot of the answers are right there within that group. I don’t have to have all the answers, right, Lee? I mean, when you tee up a topic, a question, you’ve got a brain trust there of people with a vested interest, a common interest, a great deal of combined experience and the sort. I feel like, you know, yes, I’m going to offer some insight or perspective if I feel like I have it. But gosh, how much I learned on those calls.
Lee Kantor: [00:02:19] Right. It forces us to raise our game because we have to articulate an answer that seems common sense to us to somebody that may not understand it as completely as we do. So, it forces us to be better. And I think that’s important. And that’s part of this kind of collaboration and generosity that the people that are on the Business RadioX team really feel for each other.