BRX Pro Tip: Swag Transcript
Stone Payton: And we are back with BRX Pro TIps. Stone Payton and Lee Kantor here with you. Lee, as I sit here in our new studio in my Business RadioX wind shirt facing the Business RadioX coffee mug, I want to talk about swag.
Lee Kantor: Yeah, swag is a nice way to give people in your network or your community some stuff that is Business RadioX-oriented that gives them kind of a symbol that reminds him of their time with you. And that symbol might be a mug. A lot of us give out mugs to our guests we have t shirts. We have stickers and magnets and mic flags, those little things. People hang onto them, and they’re proud of them. I can’t tell you how many offices I’ve been in where there is a Business RadioX mug proudly displayed somewhere. Either they don’t use it, and they hold things on their desk to remind them, almost like a trophy of their experience, or it’s their favorite mug in the cabinet. And how many kind of workstations where they have coffee have you seen our mug at, Stone? I mean, we see it all the time.
Stone Payton: Oh, anytime you go, just about anywhere in Atlanta anyway. And this isn’t all Stone and Lee. Some of this is John Ray, and Mike Sammond, and the great work that they’re doing too. If you go to an office here in Atlanta, and they have a Keurig machine or an area where they have coffee, the cabinet right above, it’s got at least one business which mug in it, probably two or three. Absolutely.
Lee Kantor: Yeah. And these things, remember, are symbols that show pride in their association with us. So, it’s important to hand them out. You don’t have to hand them out to everybody. But I would definitely hand them out to anybody who writes you checks to make sure they got something that kind of reminds them of you, and makes them feel special, and makes them feel good about the association.