BRX Pro Tip: 3 Ways to Get More Value at Your Next Trade Show
Stone Payton: And we are back with Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, let’s talk a little bit about trade show strategy.
Lee Kantor: Yeah. A lot of people, when it comes to trade shows, they really don’t know how to wring the most value out of going to a trade show. And it doesn’t always mean having a booth at a trade show. There’s lots of ways to get value from a trade show, even just as an attendee.
Lee Kantor: One way, if you’re just an attendee, is to find out where the biggest crowds are in the booths as you kind of walk the floor. And then, kind of figure out is it because they’re giving away free beer or free stuff or are they really selling something unique? Because a lot of times the biggest crowds, it might appear like they’re doing the best, but they may not be because they just might have the best giveaways. So, really try to understand their strategy and then you can learn from that. And then, maybe take that with you when you do have a booth at some future point.
Lee Kantor: Another opportunity you have when you’re at a trade show is just ask a lot of people a lot of questions because this is a great opportunity to do market research. With so many industry players at one place, you can really be efficient and talk to a lot of people and really start kind of getting a feel for do you have the right kind of product market fit, is what you’re selling desirable to the people. Because you have a lot of opportunities to go and meet a lot of different people and ask them questions and probe them to see if you are doing the right things in order to grow your business.
Lee Kantor: And then, lastly, one of the best ways to get value if you are a kind of sponsor or you have a booth there is leverage the Business RadioX platform. We have helped so many people in trade show environments build relationships with the people most important to them by broadcasting from these types of events. And our clients do some work beforehand by inviting the right people into the booth to be interviewed. And then, they take those interviews and leverage that as a way to have an elegant follow up to talk to these people and try to build the relationships so they can sell them something down the road later on. So, they really use the event and have legs with the event before, during, and after the event.
Lee Kantor: So, there’s lots of great ways to leverage trade shows. And trade shows are coming back strong and more and more people want to meet in-person in real life with other people doing kind of the same thing. So, if you aren’t thinking about trade shows, you probably should be.