Talking Innovations in Treating Pain With Alliance Spine & Pain
On this episode Don and I spoke with Dr. Allen Hord, MD, of Alliance Spine & Pain. The practice has grown to include 19 offices in several Georgia communities. The Alliance Spine & Pain website describes their approach to treating pain this way, “In our centers, Alliance Spine and Pain Management physicians focus on non-surgical treatments to treat the root of spine pain — helping people get the relief they need. These spine procedures are clincally proven and follow the strict guidelines of the American Academy of Pain Management. Our physicians are fellowship-trained in interventional pain management, a relatively new medical specialty which focuses on relieving pain through minimally-invasive procedures. Interventional pain management utilizes a variety of techniques to treat conditions associated with chronic pain, including epidural steroid injections, medial branch blocks, facet joint injections, discographic injections, pulse radiofrequency neurotomy and spinal cord stimulation. These procedures are in contrast to higher-cost, often failed, major back surgery and prescription neurotics which often cause unintended physiological and psychological consequences to the patient.
Our state-of-the-art outpatient surgical facilities are approved by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the formal accrediting body for healthcare facilities nationwide.
We as an organization also maintain meaningful relationships with hospitals in the area in order to ensure that our patient’s receive the appropriate treatment when medically necessary.
Our practice includes patients covered by commercial insurance, Medicare, and workman’s compensation.
Alliance Spine and Pain Management serves patients and families by focusing solely on ending back pain — and helping patients avoid spine surgery. During procedures, patients have the option of receiving a moderate level of sedation in order to ensure that they are fully comfortable. For over 80% of our patients, the result is successful and significant amount of their pain is relieved. This is our goal: to use a comprehensive approach to give patients increased mobility, relieve them of pain, and help them avoid unnecessary spine surgeries. We wish to improve each patient’s lifestyle, overall wellness and certainly, their quality of life.
All of our procedures are done while patients are under sedation — to ensure that each patient is fully comfortable. For over 80% of our patients, the result is successful. Their pain is gone! That is our goal — to give patients increased mobility, relieve them of pain, and help them avoid back surgery. We wish to improve each patient’s lifestyle, overall wellness — and certainly, their quality of life.”
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