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Fintech South 2024: Mike Morris and Glen Sarvady with TAG Fintech Society
Fintech South 2024, hosted by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), took place on Aug. 27-28 at the Woodruff Arts Center and Atlanta Symphony Hall. This year’s theme was “Fintech Lives Here!”
Mike Morris and Glen Sarvady, Chair and Co-Chair, TAG Fintech Society.
TAG Fintech builds recognition of Georgia as the hub of choice for the world’s leading financial technology providers.
The society’s goals include accelerating the accumulation of capital by its members, and to foster a business environment conducive to the ongoing success of companies, employees, service providers, educational institutions, entrepreneurs, and investors.
As a result, this helps them to create, build, and maintain innovative financial services that meet their customers’ growing needs.
Follow TAG Fintech Society on LinkedIn.
This transcript is machine transcribed by Sonix.
Intro: Broadcasting live from the Business RadioX studio in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s time for Atlanta Business Radio, brought to you by Kennesaw State University’s Executive MBA program, the accelerated degree program for working professionals looking to advance their career and enhance their leadership skills. And now, here’s your host.
Lee Kantor: Lee Kantor here, broadcasting live from Fintech South 2024 at the Woodruff Arts Center. So excited to be talking to my next guest, Mike Morris and Glen Sarvady. And they are with the Tag Fintech Society. Welcome.
Glen Sarvady: Thanks for having us.
Mike Morris: Thanks for having us.
Lee Kantor: Well, before we get too far into things, Mike, why don’t you share a little bit about tag Fintech Society. How you serving folks?
Mike Morris: Yeah, so we started about 2010 and really trying to promote this wonderful ecosystem we have here for fintech in Atlanta. And with that, we want to pull people together through networking, events, content. And one of the things Glen will talk about in a minute is our ecosystem report, which really tries to dive into how great our ecosystem is and what it consists of.
Lee Kantor: All right. So, Glen, why don’t you share a little bit about the report?
Glen Sarvady: Sure. We’ve been doing this report and taking kind of different angles of the ecosystem for oh, I’d say at least ten years. This year, one of the things we took a look at, if you think about the word fintech, it’s actually the combination of two words financial and technology. And we spend a lot of time as the Technology Association of Georgia, probably focusing more on the technology side, but it doesn’t exist without the fin side. And that’s one of the things we took a closer look at this time, particularly the financial institutions. At one point, there was much more tension where the the fintech companies kind of thought they were going to eat banks lunch and kind of take over and disrupt and pretty much knock them out of business. I think both sides have realized that there’s much more they can do together than there is, that they can do separately and heated battle with one another. You’ll find that most fintech companies actually make the majority of their revenue from revenue, from the billings that they put out to banks and credit unions. So it’s it’s a pretty symbiotic relationship. And I think it’s continuing in that direction. And that’s part of the ecosystem that I think that George is particularly strong at now.
Lee Kantor: Are you finding growth? Are more and more companies starting serving the fintech community as a whole? And are companies moving here to Georgia to be part of our ecosystem?
Glen Sarvady: I’d say yes and yes. Would you agree, Mike? I agree with that. We’ve got a list. It’s an ecosystem map that we update on a regular basis. So on an annual basis we actually print it, but it’s always updated on our website Georgia fintech org. We always have new companies coming in there. But frankly we’ve got several that, as we like to say, that are just kind of hiding in plain sight, that they’ve been doing fintech in this space for some time. And we frankly, there’s been 3 or 4 that I’ve just learned about in the last six months. We’ve added them to the list too. We’re over 260 at this point.
Lee Kantor: Now, what about kind of verticals within that niche are there, or is that a growing area as well?
Mike Morris: Yeah, within the niche. Yeah. We’re seeing a lot of diversity in the types of ideas coming forward and the areas where they can help the financial institutions. It has become a lot more collaborative. And I think now the fintechs are starting to really realize that we really need the bank’s understanding of compliance and anti-money laundering and all the different things they have to worry about on the bank side, that it’s A22 sided coin. They both have to help out on this. So we’re seeing a lot of good diversity in ideas and in ways to help the consumers that work at the the customers of the banks. And also, you know, with, with the banks themselves, with how they’re able to serve their customers better.
Glen Sarvady: Another way we talk about it sometime is the, you know, again, the kind of the subunits regtech regulatory technology that’s definitely a big piece. And, you know, there’s all kinds of applications. I think most of the I think McKinsey was one of the ones that did the studies, one of the the biggest areas for opportunity within artificial intelligence, AI, which everyone’s talking about is in financial services. So we’re seeing all kinds of companies pop up that even if they hadn’t been doing something that could have been called artificial intelligence before, they are now.
Lee Kantor: Now, um, how are we navigating this balance between the customer who’s wanting speed? It’s as quickly as possible. They want also transparency, and then also deal with all the cyber security issues that come along with speed. You know, the other side of the coin, when it comes to speed of how do you protect the person from somebody else who’s trying to leverage speed also?
Mike Morris: Yeah. And so unfortunately, a lot of the the banking technology is getting dated. And so it’s really having that front end omnichannel experience for the customer that they’re more used to with other industries. Right, to get into Amazon and other other and eBay and different places like that. So you’re really having the ability to Um, have that knowledge, but I think a lot of it is the regtech itself too. Coming into play is really helping get in there and, um, uh, help them with the regulatory issues that the banks are facing and also the fintechs are facing. But, you know, and that’s on the customer side, too, because it’s the protection. It’s like, hey, how do we make sure they have cyber resilience? You know, these these fintechs are quick to get started, quick to get building. They’ve got to build product and they’ve got to take it to market. And sometimes there’s gaps in their security. Right.
Lee Kantor: So they’re just want to go at full speed all the time. And then there’s got to be somebody that’s saying, hey, you know hit the brakes here a little bit. Let’s learn something first and then we can make some adjustments. Yeah. And that’s that balance is the magic right? Absolutely. That’s exactly right. That’s the challenge.
Mike Morris: And that’s where the banks have a lot of good experience, because they have had to do vendor management and due diligence over these fintechs for years. And they’ve had regulatory oversight. And so when the fintechs get in, they sometimes don’t know these, these areas of, of um compliance. And they have gaps. And so this partnerships with the banks really helped them learn. Sometimes it’s frustrating, right?
Lee Kantor: Both sides are frustrated though, right?
Mike Morris: Yes, but they’re getting to a happy medium. They’re starting to to understand how to speak bank on the fintech side and understand the compliance and the alphabet soup of all the different compliance things they need to worry about.
Glen Sarvady: I was going to say one of the things they can always do is agree to not like the regulators. Yeah. And we’ve had some we’ve had a lot of great presentations here from the regulatory authorities who belong in this conversation for exactly the reason that you mentioned. And I think, you know, it is it’s a it’s a delicate balance or a natural tension, whatever you want to call it. You know, you do have the need for speed, the desire for speed, but you have the desire for safety, too, especially in something like financial services, which may not necessarily apply the same way. I think it’s a much more important thing to be safe than it is in some other things where you’re not dealing with something like people’s life savings, right?
Lee Kantor: Exactly. Like that. Stakes are extremely high and extremely personal. When something happens to you, you know, and it’s another.
Glen Sarvady: One of those. And again, it’s, you know, it’s kind of a never ending loop where, you know, the fraudsters have access to new technology as well. So it’s always this arms race of who’s going to be ahead, right? So there’s the artificial intelligence that gets in the arms of, in the hands of fraudsters.
Lee Kantor: People.
Glen Sarvady: To creating deep fakes and faking voices, spoofing, breaking passwords. But then you can also use those same tools to make sure you create defenses.
Lee Kantor: And then I don’t know if the listener understands it. The bad guys that are doing this are not just some kid in the basement with Cheetos and Red bull, right? Like, this is a organized groups of people that are behind some of the fraud.
Mike Morris: They run like corporations. I mean, they are very well organized. They have research and development best.
Lee Kantor: Practices, you.
Mike Morris: Know, best practices.
Lee Kantor: They’re walking into an office with a briefcase and a whiteboard right in there. That’s how they’re doing their work. Yeah.
Mike Morris: Retained earnings. They go build more tools and build the next mousetrap to get us. So yeah, it’s a it’s a continuous battle. And that is where again the banks I think have a leg up to help the fintechs because they’ve had to deal with it for 30 years now. And these fintechs are learning and they’re doing a good job. But it does take a little time. But yeah we do want to protect the consumer. The final piece. And with the money again faster. Fraud payments are faster is faster fraud sometimes. So we have to have the regtech that can help us with that as well to look for that in real time.
Glen Sarvady: And it’s kind of disturbing that. I mean, we’ve been talking about software as a service forever. Banking is a service. We have all these different things. Frankly, I just heard this term recently fraud as a service is out there. Literally. Wow. Somebody sets up shop. Hey, you want to come and commit fraud? Come talk to us. We know how to do it. We’re the.
Lee Kantor: Experts.
Mike Morris: Yeah. Phishing is a service to set up a phishing campaign and have at it.
Lee Kantor: So where do you see the opportunity? And maybe as a whole for fintech and specifically to the Atlanta and Georgia.
Mike Morris: I think the main area I’m seeing and we’re starting to get more towards this, is having that true understanding of the data flows and the transaction flows from the customer through the fintech, through the bank and back, and making sure we really understand the control points, because in the last few years, especially banking as a service, if people are familiar with that, where the bank is, is basically the wholesaler and the fintech is the and retailers going out and acquiring the customers. We need to make sure that we understand the gaps there and where the regulators have gotten uncomfortable with it. And getting getting harder on the banks is finding those gaps and not realizing it’s not the I thought you were doing this. I thought you were doing this. Who’s on first? Right. And so now they’re getting better about that. But I really think understanding those transaction and data flows through the process and really understand who’s responsible, who’s monitoring and reporting on those is where we’re going to get the holes fixed.
Glen Sarvady: And I think, Mike, you used the phrase omnichannel a little bit earlier, which basically means people have a lot of different preferences. Some people prefer to bank at a branch. Some people prefer to bank through their digital phone. Clearly the trend is toward the digital side of things, but we’re finding increasingly that people don’t necessarily just gravitate toward one way of interacting with their financial institution. They do it through a lot of different ways. We just finished a research project. We collaborated with the Georgia Fintech Academy. We actually polled 1600 consumers and again, not surprisingly, about two thirds. Primarily, they think of themselves as mobile, first using a mobile device and sometimes a computer. They still very much place value on the branch. That was another question that we asked, and most of our respondents said having a branch nearby is extremely important. One of the things that’s even more interesting is Gen Z’s answers were not that much different than all the others, so they still do find value in the branch. They may not want to go into it all the time, but they want to know it’s there, right?
Lee Kantor: And when you hear a lot of kind of anecdotal information, people think, oh, they don’t go in the branch at all. They’re just always on their phone. That’s all they care about. And that’s not always the case.
Glen Sarvady: And they don’t necessarily go in as often. They may not go in at all, but they want to know it’s there. It’s there. Right.
Lee Kantor: Exactly. So if somebody wants to connect with Tag Fintech Society, what’s the best way to do that and get involved.
Mike Morris: Yeah we have the website up Georgia and you can get through. Contact us there. We’re always looking for new members. We’re looking for people to come in and bring new energy and bring new ideas, and we’re welcoming.
Lee Kantor: Everybody in the ecosystem is welcome, of course.
Glen Sarvady: Absolutely. And even people from outside the city, the outside the LinkedIn page, we have as well, the tag Fintech Society is a great place to keep up to date on the latest information. We have events coming up. I know we’ve got September and October already covered. We pretty much have some type of networking and content driven event almost on a monthly basis. And we’ve got the the preview about a two page summary of some of the report I just mentioned. Coming up, the ecosystem report that’s out there on the website Georgia now full report coming up later in the year probably in October.
Lee Kantor: Well, Glen and Mike, thank you so much for sharing your story today. You’re doing important work and we appreciate you.
Mike Morris: Thank you. Appreciate it.
Lee Kantor: All right. This is Lee Kantor. We’ll be back in a few. At Fintech South 2024.
Fintech South 2024: Stephen Walsh with Keeper Solutions
Fintech South 2024, hosted by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), took place on Aug. 27-28 at the Woodruff Arts Center and Atlanta Symphony Hall. This year’s theme was “Fintech Lives Here!”
Stephen Walsh is Founder and CEO of Keeper Solutions.
Founded in Limerick, Ireland in 2011, Keeper Solutions designs, develops and deploys world-class financial software for fast-scaling firms in Europe and North America.
With over a decade’s experience working with market-leading financial software, Keeper Solutions knows what it takes to build software that resonate with users, is built to scale and uses the very latest in AI and machine learning technology.
Over the years, Keeper Solutions has developed long-lasting partnerships with companies such as Fexco, Taxamo, Momnt, and AccountsIQ.
This transcript is machine transcribed by Sonix.
Intro: Broadcasting live from the Business RadioX studio in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s time for Atlanta Business Radio, brought to you by Kennesaw State University’s Executive MBA program, the accelerated degree program for working professionals looking to advance their career and enhance their leadership skills. And now, here’s your host.
Lee Kantor: Lee Kantor here, broadcasting live from Fintech South 2024 at the Woodruff Arts Center. So excited to be talking to our next guest, Stephen Walsh with Keeper Solutions. Welcome.
Stephen Walsh: Well, thanks for having me. Great to be here.
Lee Kantor: Well, I’m excited to learn what you’re up to. Tell us a little bit about Keeper Solutions. How are you serving folks?
Stephen Walsh: Sure. Well Keeper Solutions is a software design development and AI company and we help our clients to to create great fintech products on both sides of the Atlantic. And in fact, we’re we’ve been working with a native company of Atlanta called moment since there were three people. And we’ve helped them to evolve into a $300 million company. So we love doing business here in Georgia.
Lee Kantor: So what is it exactly that Keeper Solutions helps with?
Stephen Walsh: Well, it’s really around, uh, designing products, working with our clients to help them to clarify, you know what what the use cases are to develop the UX and to prepare them to go into product development. And then we help them right through that, uh, developing the back end, the front end for complex financial products, which are able to scale to very high volumes.
Lee Kantor: So what was the genesis of your company? How did you get this thing started? What was what was the initial thinking? Sure.
Stephen Walsh: Well, my own background is in core banking systems. I started off my career with Mrs.. And I’ve been working around the the industry. Later I was working with Perot Systems. So I learned about global service delivery and outsourcing. And, you know, I wanted to set up my own operation. I thought that, you know, bringing a focus just on financial software, but with, you know, outsourcing of software development and design would be good. And it turns out it turns out it is. There’s a lot of companies out there that are providing development services but are across different sectors, but we’re just focused on fintech and financial software.
Lee Kantor: So where do you see the opportunity in leveraging AI for fintechs?
Stephen Walsh: Yeah. Well great question. I suppose with the with the explosion of Gen AI over the last couple of years, over a year ago, Keeper Solutions set up an AI lab. We felt we needed to be using these new technologies and experimenting with them So we’ve really been we’ve put a number of our team into an AI lab. We’ve been engaging with clients, and we’ve been creating proof of concepts where we’re we’re using different use cases and different technologies to, to, to create things that are useful. And we’ve incorporated that into our AI design sprint. So um, so I suppose that’s one side of it. The second area that we’ve seen is that that fintechs want to gain more productivity with the help of AI. And in the software space, that often means that they’re looking at using tools like GitHub’s copilot. So we’ve done research into that. And what we found from that is that companies can can use it to, you know, to develop software, but they have to be careful that they’re they’re not, you know, losing quality in the software. But we really found that software development time for things like unit testing, code refactoring and documentation could be reduced substantially like 70% or more, and allow allowing the kind of development teams to focus on higher value activities like creating new code, new algorithms.
Lee Kantor: And you’re not seeing those kind of hallucinations you’re seeing.
Stephen Walsh: Well, look, that’s the you know, that’s the thing with with with GitHub. The, the kind of the problem that we see is that the software, you know, if you just select the code that they’re suggesting and press tap, the risk is that it will start propagating variables right across the code and that you kind of get bad, um, bad software architecture resulting from this. So you just need to understand the risks, mitigate them. Um, we also we also like using prompt libraries so that you get consistency of how the software developers say call down a unit test or how they document a piece, a piece of code. Um so it’s like with any of these eyes, you need you need guardrails, you need good methodology. And then you’re in a position to leverage the technology properly.
Lee Kantor: So it’s a tool that still needs kind of human, uh, paying attention. It’s not just the plug and play and you’re done.
Stephen Walsh: No, no, we’re not seeing software developers going away anytime soon, so they’re very much needed, um, to, to be, you know, to be guiding the whole process. And I think also in terms of, say, product people for helping to to gather the requirements that the business needs and the product that we’re seeing. Llms are very helpful on documenting that so that you could you could get your backlog groomed better before it goes into development and do do so more efficiently now with the use of Llms.
Lee Kantor: So who is your ideal client prospect like what does that profile look like?
Stephen Walsh: Yeah. Well, you know, we’ve we’ve been sponsoring the innovation challenge this year and last year. Um, and you know, one of our, one of our best clients has graduated through the Innovation challenge in 2020. That’s moment there were artists I then um, so we, you know, we like to stay close to companies where they’re, you know, where they’ve really got their idea formed, where they’re about to get the seed funding. And it’s really seed stage companies that we can we can help to, you know, design, develop and deploy and scale their products. And those companies, then, you know, they do their series A and we help them on the entire journey. So we’re not just working with startups, we’re working with scale ups and we’re also working with some corporates. But we just confine our sphere of activity to financial software or fintech.
Lee Kantor: So what do you need more of right now? How can we help you?
Stephen Walsh: Well, I just wanted to get the word out that, you know, we’re here. Um, Tommy Marshall is our is our man on the ground here in Atlanta. And he’s a great ambassador for the brand. Um, we’re, you know, we’re. Yeah. We just wanted to get the word out there, and we want to be talking to companies that are ambitious to to get their products to the market quickly, to have a partner that can be committed to them and that can help them to scale out. Um, we have created over 1.6 billion of shareholder value over the last decade with our clients, and we want to we want to do some more of that.
Lee Kantor: So if somebody wants to learn more and connect with somebody on the team, what’s the website?
Stephen Walsh: Well, it’s keepers Or you can reach out to me, Steven Walsh on LinkedIn Keeper Solutions. So we’re looking forward to continuing the conversation.
Lee Kantor: Well, Steven, thank you so much for sharing your story. You’re doing important work and we appreciate you.
Stephen Walsh: Thank you very much. It’s an absolute pleasure.
Lee Kantor: All right. This is Lee Kantor back in a few. At Fintech South 2024.
Fintech South 2024: Megan Heinze with Accelerate Consulting
Fintech South 2024, hosted by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), took place on Aug. 27-28 at the Woodruff Arts Center and Atlanta Symphony Hall. This year’s theme was “Fintech Lives Here!”
Megan Heinze, President and Founder of Accelerate Consulting, is a highly successful, industrious senior executive with an exemplary record of conceiving and implementing unique strategies to optimize business operations, elevate productivity, and boost revenue.
Connect with Megan on LinkedIn.
This transcript is machine transcribed by Sonix.
Intro: Broadcasting live from the Business RadioX studio in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s time for Atlanta Business Radio, brought to you by Kennesaw State University’s Executive MBA program, the accelerated degree program for working professionals looking to advance their career and enhance their leadership skills. And now, here’s your host.
Lee Kantor: Lee Kantor here, broadcasting live from Fintech South 2024 at the Woodruff Arts Center. So excited to be talking to our next guest, Megan Heinze with Accelerate Consulting. Welcome.
Megan Heinze: Thank you Lee. I’m super excited to be here today.
Lee Kantor: Well, tell us a little bit about your firm. How are you serving folks?
Megan Heinze: Yeah, so we are we’re serving firms in the fintech arena, helping them grow their business, especially in embedded payments. And that’s become very big over the last few years. Payments is growing beyond where it was traditionally, and now it’s part of software as a service.
Lee Kantor: So what’s your backstory? How’d you get involved in this line of work?
Megan Heinze: Yeah, absolutely. So my background is I used to work at US Bank Elavon. I was head of payments for the US Bank division. So everything from very large accounts to the 3000 branches that we supported, including big partners like Costco and the partner channel. I then went on to be the chief revenue officer at Texas. And then I went to my last company, was president of North America for Idemia, which was tying in identity with payments.
Lee Kantor: So you’ve been all over the place, huh?
Megan Heinze: I’ve been all over the place, but I’ve been in the financial sector, you know, starting off when digital just became the reality with wingspan, which was the first only online bank.
Lee Kantor: So is this the first time where it’s just you and your consulting firm?
Megan Heinze: Yes. It is. So is that.
Lee Kantor: Transition been difficult for you.
Megan Heinze: And the transition has been interesting to me. I’ve always worked for a very large company and now I’m out on my own, and it’s been fun because I got to meet so many different people, and it’s so vibrant in Atlanta with all the different fintechs.
Lee Kantor: Now, any advice for folks out there that are going from a corporate into an entrepreneurial role like this? Is there any kind of do’s and don’ts that you’ve learned since you’ve been on your own like this?
Megan Heinze: Yeah, I mean, I think there’s definitely a lot of do’s. So there’s a lot of organizations. Tag is a great organization to first start off with the Technology Association of Georgia. They do have lots of societies. They have 18. One of them just happens to be fintech. But there’s lots of different ones including AI, data, etc.. And then the other one is Fintech Atlanta. That’s a great way to meet other small startups, other companies. And then Atdc is another great way.
Lee Kantor: Now in your firm, you focused in on fintech. How have you seen this industry evolve over the years you’ve been involved in it?
Megan Heinze: Well, it continues to grow. I know everybody calls it right now. Um, the winter, the fintech winter. There’s been less investment since 2020. However, it continues to grow and thrive. We’re seeing companies that are being more profitable. They understand how to grow up. Before it was, let’s fake it till you make it. Now it’s no longer fake it till you make it. You actually have to grow revenue.
Lee Kantor: And then are you finding that your clients that you’re dealing with are kind of leaning into this, or are they doing things more in a, in a defensive manner?
Megan Heinze: They’re leaning in. I think everybody realizes if you’re going to get investment from private equity, venture capitalists, angel investing, you have to show profitability.
Lee Kantor: And then what are some of the challenges that they’re having where Accelerate Consulting is the solution to help them?
Megan Heinze: Well, it helps them identify where to grow and where to focus.
Lee Kantor: So they might have plateaued or they’re struggling and then they come in and have you triage that situation and then help them kind of get over the hump. Or are they, you know, is there a certain issue that they’re struggling with?
Megan Heinze: There’s a couple. So one is growth. How do they grow? How do they become profitable? I mean, that’s a big thing too. And then also what avenues actually make sense. So there’s a lot of different associations out there. There’s a lot of rules and regulations etc.. And it’s hard to know everything. And so you bring in an expert like myself to actually help you identify those key issues with your organization.
Lee Kantor: So they might be there might be kind of opportunities that they’re just not on their radar.
Megan Heinze: Yes. So for example, I was recently helping a company and they didn’t really think about payments. They’ve added embedded payments now and they’re seeing huge growth and also seeing a decrease in attrition in their overall SaaS model.
Lee Kantor: Is there a um, any low hanging fruit for you? Like what’s your typical point of entry?
Megan Heinze: The point of entry. There’s not really any low hanging fruit. I think, um, it’s more of looking at the company holistically. So sometimes it’s really hard when you’re internally focused. Um, and it’s nice when someone looks at externally focused and where they should be focusing. Um, sometimes you get so much in the nitty gritty, you don’t look at what’s out there. So, um, that’s what I’m really good at helping companies and saying, okay, have you thought about this? Have you thought about X, Y, and Z? And then, you know, sometimes I hear, well, we’ve tried that before, but things keep on evolving all the time. So I’m going to use the example of mobile payments. I remember we did our first launch with mobile payments, with Mastercard, with mobile phones. We actually gave mobile phones out. It didn’t work. But look at where mobile payments are today, right? If you said no at that time, it doesn’t mean no in the future. Um, same with tap. We tried tap a long time ago. Tap is working now. Um, embedded payments is where a lot of people are seeing growth Um, so software as a service. Companies are seeing huge opportunities there.
Lee Kantor: So is that kind of a missed opportunity for some people who did try it? Maybe they were early adopters early on. They have the scar tissue and they’re like, they’re hesitant now, even though the technology has improved dramatically.
Megan Heinze: Yes, absolutely. I think a lot of companies even had headaches the first time they went to software as a service, going from on prem to software as a service. So, um, absolutely. I think companies software as a service companies didn’t really think about adding payments. And now more and more companies are and the growth rates are phenomenal as well as decreasing the overall overall attrition rate.
Lee Kantor: So what do you need more of? How can we help you?
Megan Heinze: Um, of course I always want more clients, so I want more clients. I want, uh, more support, but also I want to keep on investing and focusing on the Georgia market, helping fintechs grow, but also nationally as well.
Lee Kantor: And then can you share maybe your ideal client profile? Like what is the ideal client for you?
Megan Heinze: Yeah, the ideal client is anywhere from a startup, um, to, you know, 500 million.
Lee Kantor: So anywhere in between. And the and the main problem that they’re having is a growth that it’s growth.
Megan Heinze: It’s growth.
Lee Kantor: So if they’re struggling with growth in any way, shape or form, they should call Megan. Yes. And then if somebody wants to connect, what’s the best way to do that. Website.
Megan Heinze: Yeah or no just on LinkedIn is the easiest way. So Megan Megan hainsey h e I n e if you just remember Heinz ketchup with an E at the end, it makes it a lot easier. Um, and connect with me on LinkedIn.
Lee Kantor: Good stuff. Well, thank you so much for sharing your story today. You’re doing important work and we appreciate you.
Megan Heinze: Thank you very much.
Lee Kantor: All right. This is Lee Kantor back in a few. At Fintech South 2024.
Fintech South 2024: Christine de Wendel with sunday
Fintech South 2024, hosted by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), took place on Aug. 27-28 at the Woodruff Arts Center and Atlanta Symphony Hall. This year’s theme was “Fintech Lives Here!”
Christine de Wendel, Co-Founder & CEO US, sunday.
sunday is the fastest way to pay in restaurants. We have built a digital checkout solution for restaurants and have huge ambitions to disrupt payment in the hospitality space.
Connect with Christine on LinkedIn.
This transcript is machine transcribed by Sonix.
Intro: Broadcasting live from the Business RadioX studio in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s time for Atlanta Business Radio, brought to you by Kennesaw State University’s Executive MBA program, the accelerated degree program for working professionals looking to advance their career and enhance their leadership skills. And now, here’s your host.
Lee Kantor: Lee Kantor here, broadcasting live from Fintech South 2024 at the Woodruff Arts Center. So excited to be talking to our next guest, Christine de Wendel with sunday. Welcome.
Christine de Wendel: Thank you.
Lee Kantor: So before we get too far into things, tell us about sunday. How are you serving folks?
Christine de Wendel: Well, first of all, thank you for having me. I’m very excited to talk about sunday. So sunday is an Atlanta based fintech. We’re based just out of Colony Square, down the street, and we do payments in restaurants. So we are a digital checkout solution for restaurants. Founded three and a half years ago here in Atlanta, and we operate in three markets the US, the UK and France. And today we’re working with about 2000 restaurant groups and we serve about 50 million customers.
Lee Kantor: So what was the genesis of the idea? How did this come about?
Christine de Wendel: Well, the idea was really simple. When we started the company, my co-founders and I were thinking about a real problem that needed solving. And both my co-founders are restaurant operators, and they said, frankly, no one likes to pay in restaurants. No one likes to raise their hands, make eye contact with the server, wait for the check to come get a sticky check presenter, send back your card to the back of the restaurant. And so we said, how can we innovate? How can we do something that basically every other industry has done except the hospitality space, which is find a way to make payments much smoother, seamless, easy in the restaurant space. So we did something very simple. We put small QR codes on tables, link them to the point of sale systems, and allow guests to pay in literally 10s. So the idea was you scan, you could split the check, you leave a tip, you pay 10s and then you can leave a review. And since then we’ve had tremendous growth. We are growing across the country, across Europe, and we’ve developed a full suite of products. So what started with just paid table. Now we have handheld payment terminals. We do full staff performance. We do reviews management, customer insights. So now we really have a comprehensive 360 checkout solution that started with those QR codes on tables.
Lee Kantor: Now does this, um, create kind of a loyalty program for the restaurants as well?
Christine de Wendel: So what we do is if a restaurant has an existing loyalty program, we’ll integrate into it. And it usually takes usage of the loyalty program up dramatically, because it’s very easy to use to collect points, to burn points. And for those who don’t have a loyalty program, we have a solution available for them.
Lee Kantor: So what are some of the challenges when you’re dealing with the restaurant owners? Are they are they eager for this type of a solution, or is this something like how do they view this.
Christine de Wendel: So there’s a there’s a growing desire to have this type of technology, but it’s still something that’s fairly new. So I like to say we have two audiences. One is the end consumer. So you and me, when we go out to dinner on a Saturday night, more and more, we want simplicity and we want control.
Lee Kantor: So I would think we want this a lot.
Speaker4: You you.
Christine de Wendel: Absolutely want it if you’re going out for a business lunch, if you have if you’ve.
Lee Kantor: Ever waited on someone to bring you the bill, you want this technology.
Speaker4: 100%.
Christine de Wendel: So what? You’ll find is more and more people are asking for it because today time is money. People want to be in control when even if they’ve had a delightful, upscale dinner, they still, when they’ve decided they want to leave, want to get out quickly. So consumers are asking for it more and more. And restaurant operators who were hesitant initially to put a lot of technology into their restaurants, are finding that it helps them turn tables faster. It helps their servers spend more time having giving a great guest experience during the moments of the experience that matter. So when you’re asking for specials, when you’re trying to get more cocktails, and so you’re taking away time from, frankly, the end of the dining experience where everyone wants to go and you’re putting it back into upsell chatting, creating rapport with the between the server and the diner. So that’s been that’s been very positive. And what we’ve seen is a lot of Atlanta’s, you know, top restaurants, most popular restaurants are now using our product because they’ve seen the value.
Lee Kantor: Now what percentage of your clients use the technology for those kind of loyalty programs?
Christine de Wendel: So I would say today it’s it’s less than 20% are using loyalty programs. That’s also because not that many restaurant groups are using loyalty programs.
Speaker4: Is that.
Lee Kantor: Surprising? I would think that’s a huge opportunity for restaurants.
Christine de Wendel: So it’s a huge opportunity for restaurants that have multi locations. But the vast majority of restaurant groups are still especially for full service. Restaurants are still independents, and they generally don’t have enough locations to justify a loyalty program.
Lee Kantor: Well, even one location that wouldn’t be enough.
Christine de Wendel: You’ll you’ll find that people don’t have enough repeat users. So your your small local mom and pop, you know, restaurant on the corner does have repeat users, but those are not typically the type of restaurants that are looking at technology or innovation to keep people coming back.
Lee Kantor: But that’s where the opportunity there’s an opportunity there, right?
Christine de Wendel: There’s absolutely an opportunity. But it just those are typically the slower. Technology adopters. And then you have the the mid-market groups who are great. Customers for for our product for loyalty programs who are starting to. Adopt. And then you have the huge quick service groups that have fantastic. Loyalty programs. But generally they don’t have a dining experience. And so those are very transactional, uh, loyalty programs. And it’s less our focus because we’re doing full service restaurants.
Lee Kantor: Now with your technology, are you kind of just using your service to solve that technology problem, or are you kind of doing some consulting as well to give them, uh, options so that, hey, these are opportunities where for growth? Because I’m learning a lot from being an app for lots of different restaurants.
Christine de Wendel: Absolutely. So one of our differentiators in the market is my two co-founders are restaurant operators. They’re coming from the restaurant space. And so a lot of restaurants like to work with us because we come with a very restaurant first, more than technology first perspective. And we consider ourselves, you know, friendly players in the ecosystem where we can actually share data from our own restaurants. Now we have enough restaurants in our portfolio that we have fantastic data across different markets, different cities in the US, different countries, different consumer types. And so we absolutely, while we’re presenting our product and and offering our different solutions, are giving a consultative approach.
Lee Kantor: Now, I would think that having your app is something that you can show them with math that, hey, this is better for you. Is there kind of some some math that you can share that would encourage someone to maybe explore this as an option for themselves?
Christine de Wendel: Absolutely. We have a couple key data points which usually convince people that they should go ahead. At least pilot our product. And then when people do pilot, they they generally get very excited and and roll it out. So the first one is we’re turning tables roughly 12 minutes faster than if you did not have a QR code on the table. So imagine it’s Saturday busy brunch. If, as a restaurateur, you can get 2 or 3 more tables in, that’s huge for your top line. The second statistic we like to share is on average, we’re seeing 10% higher tips. And it’s just because the tip experience is so much more easy to use. And the restaurant can choose the pre-selected tips. And because the consumer is nudged towards a 20% tip or a 22% tip, servers love the product because they find it’s easier to process, get tips, but also that they’re slightly higher. So that’s that’s another benefit. And then because the experience is so seamless, we find that about 70% of our customers are leaving a review at the end of the payment experience. And it’s very similar to what you’ll see at Uber or at, you know, when you’re using DoorDash, you get a pop up when you’re finished it asks you to rate how many stars, and immediately that gets pushed out to Google reviews. So that has a tremendous impact on restaurants, Google reviews. And so if you take a if you compound the faster table turn times, the higher tips and the impact on reviews, restaurants are generally delighted about the product and see the massive value.
Lee Kantor: And do you have like a stat that says, you know, before this you had four reviews and now after this you have 100 reviews, like is there any. So I would imagine that just that would be worth it just for that.
Christine de Wendel: So depending on how many reviews you had before, you’re getting between five x and ten x reviews. So a classic Atlanta restaurant. So I’ll, you know, cite, you know, South City Kitchen Midtown just down the street. Fantastic restaurant. They’re getting about seven times more reviews thanks to Sunday.
Lee Kantor: So, um, do you have I know you’re you’re looking for more restaurant context, but is there other types of partners that are important to you as well in this ecosystem?
Christine de Wendel: So in order for our model to work successfully, we first need to integrate with the best point of sale partners out there. So we work with all the top players in the US. We work with NCR, our strategic partner. We work with toast. We work with micros. So those are the first partners in the ecosystem we need to work with. And then it’s the restaurants themselves. And so that’ll be either the smaller mom and pop restaurants. And then it can also be the medium sized or large enterprise groups.
Lee Kantor: And then you’re all over. You mentioned you’re all over the world right?
Christine de Wendel: So right now focus on actually four countries, the US, of course, our biggest markets in the US are Atlanta, Chicago, New York. But we’re expanding and our product is available across the US. But we have offices in Atlanta, Chicago, New York and then in Europe. We are very strongly implanted in France and the UK and now growing quite quickly into Germany.
Lee Kantor: So if somebody wants to learn more, what’s the website? What’s the best way to connect?
Christine de Wendel: So Sunday Or you can look me up on LinkedIn. Christine de Wendel. I love talking to MBA students, so shout out for all those Kennesaw MBA students. Very happy to chat, share my startup experience, my scale-up experiences and give you some more knowledge on Sunday.
Lee Kantor: And why is Fintech South important to you and your company?
Christine de Wendel: So Fintech South as an Atlanta based fintech, it’s fantastic to be part of this ecosystem and just being part of this fintech community. So as an Atlanta native also, I’m delighted to be here at the Woodruff Center. But it’s great for networking and especially meeting other partners in the fintech space.
Lee Kantor: Well, thank you so much for sharing your story today. You’re doing such important work and we appreciate you.
Christine de Wendel: Thank you.
Speaker4: Have a great day.
Lee Kantor: All right. This is Lee Kantor back in a few. At Fintech South 2024.
Fintech South 2024: Hillery Champagne with FinTech Atlanta
Fintech South 2024, hosted by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), took place on Aug. 27-28 at the Woodruff Arts Center and Atlanta Symphony Hall. This year’s theme was “Fintech Lives Here!”
Hillery Champagne, Executive Director, Fintech Atlanta.
FinTech Atlanta is a coalition of companies working to advance Atlanta as the recognized global capital of financial technology.
Led by seasoned industry executives, the group’s priorities are to drive fintech industry growth, talent expansion, innovation acceleration, and public policy influence in Atlanta and across the state of Georgia.
Connect with Hillery on LinkedIn.
This transcript is machine transcribed by Sonix.
Intro: Broadcasting live from the Business RadioX studio in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s time for Atlanta Business Radio, brought to you by Kennesaw State University’s Executive MBA program, the accelerated degree program for working professionals looking to advance their career and enhance their leadership skills. And now, here’s your host.
Lee Kantor: Lee Kantor here, broadcasting live from Fintech South 2024 at the Woodruff Arts Center. So excited to be talking to our next guest. Hillery Champagne, Executive Director, Fintech Atlanta. Welcome.
Hillery Champagne: Thank you. Happy to be here. Thanks for having me.
Lee Kantor: Well, I’m so excited to learn what you’re up to. Tell us about Fintech Atlanta.
Hillery Champagne: Well thanks. Yeah. So Fintech Atlanta is a coalition of companies working to advance Atlanta as the recognized global capital of financial technology. I’m our one full time employee and I have the pleasure of reporting up to an incredible board of industry leaders. And really, our priorities are to drive fintech industry growth, talent expansion, innovation acceleration and public policy influence in Atlanta and across the state of Georgia. So really happy to be here. Tag is on our board, one of our founding members of Fintech Atlanta. So always always happy to be here.
Lee Kantor: So what was kind of the genesis of the idea where, you know, people were like, okay, we have to have a special group just focusing on fintech here in Atlanta. Yep.
Hillery Champagne: So back in kind of as the story goes, back in 2017, Governor Deal at the time got together with Tag Technology Association of Georgia, the Metro Atlanta Chamber and Atpc, which is the American Transaction Processors Coalition, and basically said, you know, guys, we’re seeing we’ve always been really strong in payment processing, right? We have Atlanta has a very strong history of that, but we’re starting to see growth and investment in these other subclusters within financial technology. We need to make sure that we’re getting together with the leaders here not taking this for granted, really continuing this momentum. Pull those leaders together and make sure that we’re continuing to make Atlanta a place where where these companies can thrive and do business. And so that’s kind of the origin. Those three founding partners helped us get together. You know, many of our founding board members that are still board members today. You know, we have everyone from big companies like Global Payments and Elavon and NCR and, you know, visa. And I’m leaving a ton out. You know, we have those large guys to the midsize and small as well. And they’re they’re all helping kind of shape our strategy and all of the work that we do on a daily basis. So that’s kind of the origin story. Um.
Lee Kantor: You know, what’s now your kind of day to day? Like, how are you serving this group in today’s world? Because this is the technology obviously is changing. I’m sure there’s more constituents today than there were when it was founded. And the needs change. So how do you serve your your members and how do you make sure that their concerns are being addressed?
Hillery Champagne: Yeah. So from day one we’ve kind of focused on four kind of key buckets that have shaped all our programs and initiatives and events and things like that. The first one is making sure that we have a diverse talent base here, that that we’re really focusing on making sure that this next generation of leaders are trained or connected for internships and jobs. We’re we’re giving them real world experience by working with our large companies. So talent is that first piece. The second piece is innovation. So making sure that our startups and founders are connecting with learning from working with our large corporations here. And so we try to find different ways to bring those two groups together and collaborate and find opportunities for commercial collaboration. The third bucket is telling the story of fintech in Atlanta. So that can be doing things like this and coming to these great shows here in town. It can be going to global shows like Money20 20, your fintech meetup with a Georgia delegation, and also meeting with companies that are looking to perhaps establish a presence in the US and explain why Atlanta is a great spot to be, but we’ll also welcome foreign delegations here, all of that good stuff. And then the last pillar is public policy. So making sure that we as an industry, as a group, are educating our legislators on the impact that we have here in the region. So that’s what we started with. And that’s really what’s still shaping what we do today. We have six programs that we work on on a daily basis, each led by program directors who work full time jobs in the fintech industry and volunteer their time to help us with our programs. So we’re really lucky to have them and their expertise.
Lee Kantor: So is this a group that has membership that you join like it’s you have meetings every quarter a month? Yep. So get togethers in person. Like what is it like to be a member.
Hillery Champagne: So it’s kind of cool. We’re um, well, I guess we’re not that unique, but we have a fantastic board, so we meet quarterly in person board meetings. We actually just had our Q3 one last week at full steam. One of our board member companies offices in Buckhead. Um, so those are fantastic. We typically at those meetings will give an update on all of our programs, kind of put the plan in place for the next couple of months, but also solicit feedback from our board members, making sure that we’re on the right track, that we are kind of focusing on the things that they think, you know, as industry leaders make an impact here in our region. But they were, again, we’re very lucky in that they fund everything that we do. So all of our six programs that I mentioned, whether it be our run it by the buyers events or Ask an Advisor, which is our mentorship program of sorts. All of our programs are completely free to the ecosystem here. So if you’re a startup and you want to pitch it or run it by the buyers event, or if you’re a large corporation and you want to get involved at the event level or, you know, whatever it may be, if any of these programs, it’s completely free. So that’s what I think is pretty cool about it.
Lee Kantor: And so anybody in the ecosystem can connect with Fintech Atlanta and there’s a place to plug in. Exactly.
Hillery Champagne: We’ve got a place for everyone. If you’re a student, if you’re a founder, if you’re a startup, a large company, and there’s plenty of ways to get involved.
Lee Kantor: So what do you need more of? How can we help you?
Hillery Champagne: Oh, that’s a good question. Um, you know, I think the biggest area where we need help is just getting the word out about our programs. Um, as I mentioned, we have we have six of them now, and they’re completely free and open to the ecosystem. But I think people always think there’s a catch, right? And it’s like I used to work at the Metro Atlanta Chamber on their economic development team. And it’s the same thing. Their their job genuinely is to make it easy for someone to do business here and add jobs to the region. And people are always like, okay, what’s the catch? You know, like, where are you going to charge me? And it’s the same thing here. So it’s like, you know, don’t be scared to talk to us, I promise. You know, what we’re trying to do is to build up the ecosystem for everyone. You know, rising tide lifts all ships, right?
Lee Kantor: And it’s frustrating being a best kept secret.
Speaker4: Exactly.
Lee Kantor: I bet you get tired of. Oh, I wish I would have known about you two years ago.
Speaker4: Exactly.
Lee Kantor: Conversations aren’t.
Speaker4: Fun. Yeah, but then.
Hillery Champagne: You know, having things like this today, Atlanta’s great in that we have. So, you know, if you look at every single week, there’s probably five events that you could go to to meet people and help spread the word. So, you know, we’re not lacking opportunities to get together, but I think still just kind of reaching those newer companies are the ones that have just come to Atlanta and explaining to them that this.
Speaker4: Exists and.
Lee Kantor: Letting companies that aren’t in Atlanta know that there’s a tool and a resource like Fintech Atlanta that can really help accelerate their growth.
Speaker4: Right, exactly.
Hillery Champagne: I really do. I think that’s it. People are like, wait, you were willing to connect us to this person? Why? Why what’s the catch?
Lee Kantor: And that’s kind of the secret sauce of Atlanta is the level of collaboration. And a lot of people are kind of surprised by that when they hear about it.
Hillery Champagne: Yeah. And I get asked a lot, are we a part of tag? Are we a part of Mac? Are we a part of Atpc? And while they’re all our founding partners, we’re our own organization. But we work really, really closely with all three of those groups. And I think that’s another thing that another strength of Atlanta is that we really do all work together. You know, Robert Daniel at Atdc and Laura Gibson Lamoth at the Georgia Fintech Academy. You know, we’ll all go to these trade shows together or whatever it may be, and kind of work together as a team because we’re all, you know, we’re all working towards the same goal at the end of the day.
Lee Kantor: So if somebody wants to connect, what’s the best way to do that?
Hillery Champagne: I try to send so a couple things. If you want to kind of keep up to date with everything that we have going on, I try to do a decent job of updating our LinkedIn page. So with our own information, but also things that are going on in Atlanta in the fintech ecosystem. If I ever have any discount codes or passes or things like that, that’s where I’ll share them. Um, so that’s a great place you can reach out to me there. My email is h champagne like the drink c h a m p a g e at Fintech That’s also a great way to to reach out. And then our website is Fintech Atlanta. Org.
Lee Kantor: Well Hilary thank you so much for sharing your story today. You’re doing such important work and we appreciate you.
Hillery Champagne: Thank you guys I really appreciate being here and thank you.
Lee Kantor: All right. This is Lee Kantor back in a few at Fintech South 2020 for.
Fintech South 2024: Jonathan Siskin with GA Cleantech Innovation Hub
Fintech South 2024, hosted by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), took place on Aug. 27-28 at the Woodruff Arts Center and Atlanta Symphony Hall. This year’s theme was “Fintech Lives Here!”
Jonathan Siskin, Co-founder & Strategic Advisor with GA Cleantech Innovation Hub, is a results-driven leader accomplished in growth and turnaround environments and known for inspiring high performing teams, defining strategy, and executing action plans tied directly to business objectives.
Combines ability to effectively frame complex issues with strong application of know-how in leading large global initiatives and building multi-million dollar P&Ls. Effective in high-profile executive roles, with highly collaborative management style, pragmatic mindset, and ability to delivery on breakthrough thinking.
Connect with Jonathan on LinkedIn.
This transcript is machine transcribed by Sonix.
Intro: Broadcasting live from the Business RadioX studio in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s time for Atlanta Business Radio, brought to you by Kennesaw State University’s Executive MBA program, the accelerated degree program for working professionals looking to advance their career and enhance their leadership skills. And now, here’s your host.
Lee Kantor: Lee Kantor here, broadcasting live from Fintech South 2024 at the Georgia Woodruff Arts Center. So excited to be talking to our next guest. Jonathan Siskin, co-founder, GA Cleantech Innovation Hub. Welcome.
Jonathan Siskin: Thank you. Glad to be here.
Lee Kantor: Well, I’m so excited to learn what you’re up to. Tell us about GA Cleantech Innovation Hub. How are you serving folks?
Jonathan Siskin: Yeah, so we’re just recently launched. We’re a nonprofit and our mission is to make innovation a driver of the robust clean tech economy, with a focus on creating the jobs and growth industries of the future, commercializing technologies that combat climate change, and elevate people and communities throughout Georgia and the southeast. There’s a big equity component to ensure that all communities benefit from what we’re doing. So what I come out of the fintech world that had been there for 20 years and really have seen just the unbelievable growth in the fintech ecosystem and what it’s meant for the state of Georgia. And we really see a similar opportunity emerging around clean tech. So our whole focus is to make Georgia one of the top clean tech innovation hubs in the entire world, and we really think we’re well positioned to do that because Georgia has just tremendous assets that I think we can unlock with that potential. Between the deep clean tech manufacturing base, you know, the state’s been the number one source or place of investment that’s come out of the Inflation Reduction Act. There’s been over $20 billion of announced investment in Georgia. In manufacturing. We have leading universities and research. We have a robust corporate base in great demand and a tremendously diverse talent pool. So we really think we’re well positioned. And our role is to help, you know, catalyze and build that ecosystem so we can continue to drive that economic growth. Now, can.
Lee Kantor: You explain for our listeners kind of what clean tech is and means?
Jonathan Siskin: Yeah, sure. Clean tech, I would say most broadly, it’s a broad definition of anything that fits under the umbrella of driving decarbonization of our global economy. So anything from energy, transportation, mobility, circular economy fits within that broader umbrella. So we can use better resources to drive economic growth. And, you know, it really has that, you know, I guess triple bottom line impact of, you know, economic growth, you know, supporting people and supporting the environment.
Lee Kantor: And then how does fintech kind of intersect there?
Jonathan Siskin: Yeah it’s great. You know, it’s actually really interesting. And there’s an emerging kind of terms that people call it. I’ve heard it climate fintech or green fintech or you’ll hear terms like sustainable finance, but I really view it as simply the intersection point between climate finance and digital technologies that really will catalyze that decarbonization of the economy and the adaptation that we’ll need around the world to address this. So it’s just to put this in context, if you think about it, is estimated that there will be over $100 trillion. That’s trillion with a T that will be spent across the globe to drive the energy transition. And some of this adaptation between now and the end of the century. So what’s exciting is financial services companies, fintech companies have a really large role and important role to play within that transition, and you often see it very closely linked to broader climate disclosure movement. I think many people may be familiar with a lot of the rules that are being developed around the world, whether it’s the SEC or the state of California, or a lot of what’s happening in Europe, just to bring visibility and understanding to how companies are driving towards a lot of their sustainability and net zero objectives.
Lee Kantor: Now, I would think that maybe the listener isn’t aware of how much energy like they know about digital. It may not be obvious to them where cleantech would fit into fintech, but that computing power requires a lot of energy and electricity. And is that where this is all coming into play? Is that it could be some.
Jonathan Siskin: Yeah, it’s a great use case. So, you know, let me answer that. And then I’ll give maybe a broader perspective of the types of areas where I think it intersects. But you know, one of the hottest topics in the in the whole area is around, you know, data centers and how to drive. Most of the companies that are running these, you know, want to achieve their very aggressive, you know, sustainability objectives, want to get to renewable energy. So how do we continue to build out all the data center, the infrastructure to support all the things we need to do, but do it in a renewable and sustainable way? So just amazing developments just in the last few years of how to do that. Um, but stepping back, just to give you a flavor for the types of areas this intersects, I always kind of like to think about it in, you know, what are the kind of use cases, what are the opportunities that this is very important. So I see there’s really four out there. The first is around consumers right. Consumers want to to be more let’s say climate conscious. They want while they’re shopping or they’re consuming their products. So everything from carbon footprint tracking and, you know, green banking or investing. Stripe is a great example of a fintech company that is very into this, and investing hundreds of millions of dollars into this to help seed some of these markets. The second group is investors in financing.
Jonathan Siskin: And you really have to think, how do we mobilize that type of capital toward decarbonization and adaptation? Or if you’re an investor, how do you make your portfolios more climate aligned to some of your goals? So a big piece of what’s happening, really exciting now is a tremendous amount of money that’s going into financing this energy transition. Fintech companies have a huge role to play for. How do you ensure and facilitate that happening between all the tax credits, the transferability, the large scale project financing. So there’s huge opportunities for financial services firms there. The third group is companies in organizations. You know, they have want to lower their carbon footprint. They want to measure and monitor and offset their impact. They want to create new products and services and drive efficiencies throughout their business. This is everything from what, you know, carbon accounting and reduction of some of their emissions in a lot of this is about creating new products and services that services new and emerging markets. There’s multiple billion dollar plus markets being created as part of this broader transition. And then the final group is insurers and broader financial institutions. They want to find ways to more effectively analyze and price environmental risk into everything they do, whether it’s pricing or underwriting new products and services. So each one of these groups has a huge intersection point between the traditional world of, you know, finance and fintech and all the emerging things happening within the clean tech space.
Lee Kantor: Now, um, you talked a little bit about your background, but can you explain kind of what that point was for you where you’re like, okay, now I’m going to really lean into this clean tech innovation hub, and I’m going to get this off the ground and get this thing going like, what was this? Just a passion for you? Well, it’s.
Jonathan Siskin: Interesting. So I’ve been spent the last 20 or so years here in Atlanta, you know, within the fintech and data community and probably primarily been focused around strategy and corporate development, innovation and business transformation. Most of what I’ve done in my career has been all around helping organizations build and scale new businesses and deliver on mission critical transformation programs. But I actually got my start in economics. In the environmental policy area. It really is, again, been such a big part of the successful growth of this ecosystem several years ago, said, I just think there is the next big opportunity for the state is around clean tech and a lot of the sustainability issues. So what’s the best way to help support that? And I thought taking a lot of my skills and understanding how to help build and grow these ecosystems really was the idea behind this. So immediately I started working with a very small scale organization called the Greenhouse Accelerator that had been supporting cleantech entrepreneurs for over a dozen years in this market. But the idea was, how do we take all the great work you’re doing, but do it at a scale, you know, 10 or 20 times bigger? So that was really the idea behind how do we get the the Georgia Cleantech Innovation Hub started? Um, we are a nonprofit, so it’s the foundation of that.
Jonathan Siskin: But we look to continue to build and expand a lot of our products and services to support the growth of this ecosystem. Uh, the first big we actually announced last week, the the first clean tech focused accelerator, uh, will be launching this fall, which is really, really exciting for the for the state. We worked with several partners to bring that here. Cox enterprises is the corporate sponsor in funding it, and we’re working with the venture accelerator firm called generator. So this is a first step of many, but it’s a great step forward to start seeding and building that clean tech incubation center. We we estimate there’s about 40 clean tech startups that have been, you know, started here, that have grown here in Georgia. Our immediate objective over the next five years is to triple that number. So the ecosystems are challenging, they’re complex. They take a tremendous amount of public and private partnership. But we we seek to really bring all those coalition of partners together to do something where we really think Georgia has an outstanding chance to be a leader and really drive the the jobs, the economic growth and the social impacts that I think we all want to bring to the state.
Lee Kantor: So what do you need more of? How can we help?
Jonathan Siskin: Yeah, this is great. I mean, the key thing is, you know, most of it is around strategic partners. We we work with a variety of organizations. We need more and more corporates, uh, large companies, organizations to support us. Uh, We we still need some seed funding to get started and build our initial capacity. But then really, it’s around designing programs that are very laser focused on the opportunities and some of the challenges that the state is facing. So bringing those partnerships together between economic development groups, nonprofits, the schools and universities, these are all great assets. We have a lot of it is just bringing those together and working. So if anyone’s interested to learn more how to help us, you know, we’re very much in the early stages of building this, but we’d love to find strategic partners that will help shape this and invest and really make this a huge growth area for Georgia.
Lee Kantor: So if somebody wants to connect, what’s the website? What’s the coordinates? Yeah.
Jonathan Siskin: So just look up right at the Georgia Clean Tech Innovation and you can find us. Um and then within there there’s a contact page you can reach out to to myself Andy Marshall is the managing director who we’ve brought in to run the entire thing. So please reach out. We’re very excited to work. We have a great set of partners that we’ve been working with so far, but always looking to expand that. So thank you very much for your time today. This is very exciting and hopefully it gives people a little better flavor for how this intersects with so many of the things that Georgia does well. And these are all, to me, incremental opportunities for many of the fintech and financial service companies that are here. So really exciting opportunities for them.
Lee Kantor: Well, thank you so much for sharing your story. You’re doing such important work and we appreciate you.
Jonathan Siskin: Yeah. Well I appreciate it. Thanks so much. This is a great event and I’ve been coming to Fintech South now for over a dozen years. So it’s great to see how this has grown. And this is just an amazing event today and an amazing location.
Lee Kantor: All right. This is Lee Kantor back in a few. At Fintech South 2024.
Fintech South 2024: Kyle Tothill with Collective Insights
Fintech South 2024, hosted by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), took place on Aug. 27-28 at the Woodruff Arts Center and Atlanta Symphony Hall. This year’s theme was “Fintech Lives Here!”
Kyle Tothill, Co-Founder & Chief Revenue Officer of Collective Insights, is an accomplished entrepreneur and executive leader with a strong foundation in growth enablement. He is focused on driving organizational success and building high-performance teams.
Co-founding and partnering in three successful Atlanta-based business services firms, including eHire, LLC, Make & Build, and Collective Insights, Kyle’s career is marked by the successful launch of four professional services companies and a software firm.
His expertise spans across recruiting and talent acquisition, enterprise technology, and business transformation consulting services, underpinned by a strategic approach to overcoming obstacles and desire to achieve.
Connect with Kyle on LinkedIn.
This transcript is machine transcribed by Sonix.
Intro: Broadcasting live from the Business RadioX studio in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s time for Atlanta Business Radio, brought to you by Kennesaw State University’s Executive MBA program, the accelerated degree program for working professionals looking to advance their career and enhance their leadership skills. And now, here’s your host.
Lee Kantor: Lee Kantor here, broadcasting live from Fintech South 2024 at the Woodruff Arts Center. And so excited to be talking to our next guest, Kyle Tothill, with Collective Insights. Welcome.
Kyle Tothill: Hey, thanks. Happy to be here.
Lee Kantor: Well, for the folks who aren’t familiar, can you share a little bit about Collective Insights? How you serving folks? Sure.
Kyle Tothill: So Collective Insights is a global enterprise management and technology consulting company. We focus on business transformation initiatives as well as technology modernization initiatives. We’re headquartered out of Atlanta, Georgia, and we serve companies all over the globe.
Lee Kantor: And then so what’s the backstory? How’d you get involved in this line of work?
Kyle Tothill: Oh, man, that’s a six beer story. But we can we can talk about it a little bit. I’ve been an entrepreneur since 1999, and I formed a company out of the ashes of a dotcom blow up called Novacon, called Clearpoint Consulting, and we helped build high performance sales and technology teams for for fast growing companies and, uh, over multiple, multiple years of evolution. I met with some folks and we started a bigger company called E higher, which did the same thing on a much larger scale. And out of that organization, we built a couple companies. One of those companies was Collective Insights, which is a management consulting company like we talked about, and that was a natural fit for what we were doing. And over the those years, you know, 15 years or so of e hire, we continued to build and grow that management consulting company, and now it’s our leading brand and the organization where I spend most of my operating time.
Lee Kantor: So who is the ideal client fit for collective insights?
Kyle Tothill: So our ideal client profile really focuses on global enterprise leaders and technology leaders that are driving big transformational change, whether that’s implementing a scaled new technology or ERP system or going through kind of a culture change or shift or, you know, implementing scaled projects, you know, that that affect the entire organization.
Lee Kantor: And why is the Fintech South Conference important to you and your company?
Kyle Tothill: Well, I think, first of all, a lot of our customers are here. Certainly the global financial institutions and some of the faster growing, you know, fintech organizations are in that client profile that we have and some of them of our customers. So outside of, you know, being where your customers are being engaged, you know, we are a community first organization. And so what does that mean? Well, we’re headquartered here in Atlanta, and we’re proud Georgians. And Georgia is, you know, fastly becoming a global innovation hub. And certainly, you know, from a fintech perspective, you know, what’s one of our biggest pillars that we have? In addition to that, I serve as the, you know, board chair for the Technology Association of Georgia. So I have some dignitary duties that I have to do here today, and I love it. Very excited about this community and what it’s become, especially over the last 25 years. And I’m very, very excited about this particular ecosystem over the next 25.
Lee Kantor: Can you share a little bit of context for folks who maybe aren’t in the Atlanta area, but have heard about the Atlanta, uh, technology ecosystem? How is it, you know, kind of explain kind of what makes it special and how it’s different than maybe other tech ecosystems around the country.
Kyle Tothill: Uh, first of all, Atlanta is a very diverse, um, ecosystem, and I mean diverse in terms of business diversity. So we have a lot of the global enterprise organizations that are headquartered here in Atlanta. So very I think almost every single fortune 500 company, you know, around the, around the globe has a presence in this, you know, in this marketplace. So that’s not true for a lot of other marketplaces. But, you know, outside of like the technical reasons, you know, I think it’s different because of the people of Georgia and our unique hospitality and our desire to grow and punch above our weight and want to and aspire to be something bigger than ourselves. This community is, um, dedicated to that. And you hear that at the governor’s office, at the legislature, at the at the mayor’s office, for sure. You hear that with organizations like the Metro Chamber, you know, tag especially. And I think that’s unique. You know, when I travel the country, you know, there’s not really a ton of organizations like Tag and there’s not a lot of ecosystems that are as connected, you know, as, as this community in Georgia.
Kyle Tothill: And you hear this all the time. People say it, people laugh about it. Atlanta is a big, small pond. So it’s a it’s a community that thrives off of personal relationships. And I think that’s I think that’s unique to to the South, and I think that’s specifically unique to Atlanta. We’ve been driving and pushing this marketplace since the 1840s. If you didn’t know that the word, the town name, Atlanta actually comes from a marketing ploy that the Metro Chamber did. This is news, you know, back in the 1840s, we named it Atlanta to make it more appealing to people to move their companies here and move to Atlanta before the Civil War. And they called it Atlanta because it was short for Atlantic. And so they wanted to make the the kind of the marketing ploy that we were close to the ocean, which is probably not true, especially by horse and carriage. But, hey, you know, never let the truth get in the way of a good sales pitch.
Lee Kantor: But there wasn’t a good internet back then. That’s right.
Kyle Tothill: So the net, the net net of everything is, is that I think the people and the commitment to the community is what makes this special outside of the fact that we have this wonderful asset, you know, that continues to drive economic development for us, which is our airport. You know, you can get to 80% of the population in the United States within two hours, which is what Ambassador Young and Maynard Jackson and Ivan Allen really hailed. You know, in terms of attracting organizations to move their headquarters here, which, you know, we have 2000 or 3000 German companies that are here. So if you think about, you know, what makes us special, it’s our our want to, I think really drives it for us.
Lee Kantor: And I think the way I mean, you mentioned the airport, we have the port as well and we have the like you said, the diversity of industries. There are so many industries here. So that if one of them is struggling, someone else is probably not struggling. So with our downturns really aren’t as pronounced as maybe some other markets. Yeah. And then we I think we do a good job of playing nice. You know the government plays nice with the corporations and then they respect the startups. And everybody is kind of very collaborative. I think that’s 100% true.
Kyle Tothill: And it can be better. But you know, this year at the Georgia Technology Summit, we did something that doesn’t happen that often. We had the the red state governor and the blue state mayor, you know, on stage together, collaborating, talking about things that they care about that that are really apolitical, which is, you know, innovation is going to drive a lot of the economic development. I don’t care what side of the aisle you’re on. And that’s the beautiful part about this community. And you just mentioned it. So I don’t want to belabor it, but we’re aligned. And that’s been true for a long time.
Lee Kantor: And business friendly tracks a lot of folks to the the town. I mean, the growth in the population has been crazy probably since you’ve been here. Yeah, I think.
Kyle Tothill: Anybody that’s been in Atlanta longer than ten years recognizes the dynamic growth that we’ve had. And it’s a it’s a special it’s a special place. We’re bringing organizations to to do business here. And it’s because of the people and because of the talent that we have here. And of course, the cost of living, which, you know, was going to pare out at some point. But it’s a special place. If you think about Georgia, I think for the ninth year in a row or eighth, I think it’s nine years has been the best place to do business in the United States. It’s the best state to do business in. So if you figure that we’re in the capital of the best state in the United States and the United States is the best economy in the world, where does that put you? Do the math. You don’t have to think too hard to think about how fortunate people are to be living here right now. It’s not always perfect, as everybody knows, and we have other issues, but from a business perspective, we’re in a pretty good spot.
Lee Kantor: So if somebody wants to learn more about collective insights, where should they go?
Kyle Tothill: Well, they can always connect with me on LinkedIn. And I’m very, you know, open to that as well. As, you know, we have our website which is Collective But certainly if you want to know more about it connect with me. Let’s talk about it.
Lee Kantor: And then tag if they want to know about tag. There’s a lot of ways to connect with tag online as well.
Kyle Tothill: We have a lot of tentacles out there in multiple directions. We have our Tag education 501 C3 nonprofit, which does a lot in workforce development. So if you’re an up and comer or you’re looking to advance your career. You know, you can learn about our apprenticeship program. You can learn about our Tech Connect, which is a which is a platform to help entrepreneurs connect with investors. We have access to venture capital groups like Venture Atlanta. So there’s a lot of angles to play if you’re, you know, focused in a specific industry or a specific function, whether that’s sales or marketing or finance or you’re into cloud computing or information security. We have a society for you. We have a place for you to come build your community, you know, and your network, you know, in a in a specialized area. And we’ve learned and one of the great things about Tag is we are great connectors of people. You know, I’d probably bolt that back onto your question. A couple of years ago, we were a very connected, connected ecosystem, and it pays a lot of dividends, you know, for technologists to build and invest in, you know, in their relationship, network and tag.
Lee Kantor: Being around 25 years is a testament to that.
Kyle Tothill: Yeah. I think the, you know, we have a I said this in the board meeting not too long ago. It’s amazing. I think if you think about all of the original founders, which really was a coalition of the willing of a handful of associations coming together to put, you know, an association and govern and manage it and build it what they envisioned. You know, for 2025, I’m pretty happy that that we’re living up to that. And I think that they’d be very proud of us. And some of them are. And what I get really excited about is where we’re going. Right. So we’re a top five technology state today, 25 years from now, a global hub of innovation recognized, you know, by all the attributes that, you know, that kind of are the hallmarks of that.
Lee Kantor: Well, Kyle, thank you so much for sharing your story today. You’re doing such important work. We appreciate you.
Kyle Tothill: Thank you very much. Happy to do it. Love it.
Lee Kantor: All right. This is Lee Kantor back in a few. At Fintech South 2024.
Fintech South 2024: Nathan Feather with PrimeRevenue
Fintech South 2024, hosted by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), took place on Aug. 27-28 at the Woodruff Arts Center and Atlanta Symphony Hall. This year’s theme was “Fintech Lives Here!”
Nathan Feather, CFO, PrimeRevenue.
Connect with Nathan on LinkedIn.
This transcript is machine transcribed by Sonix.
Intro: Broadcasting live from the Business RadioX studio in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s time for Atlanta Business Radio, brought to you by Kennesaw State University’s Executive MBA program, the accelerated degree program for working professionals looking to advance their career and enhance their leadership skills. And now, here’s your host.
Lee Kantor: Lee Kantor here, broadcasting live from Fintech South at the Woodruff Arts Center. So excited to be talking to our next guest, Nathan Feather, the CFO of PrimeRevenue. Welcome.
Nathan Feather: Thanks, Lee. Great to be here.
Lee Kantor: Well, I’m so excited to learn what you’re up to. Tell us a little bit about PrimeRevenue.
Nathan Feather: Sure. PrimeRevenue is a global leader in working capital and B2B payment solutions. More than 30,000 customers across the globe use our solutions to connect their financial supply chain, providing enhanced digital payments, visibility and certainty of payment timing, as well as rich remittance advice and improved cash flow.
Lee Kantor: So what’s the how the had the business get started?
Nathan Feather: Sure. So the business is actually a little over 20 years old at this point. And the business got started to solve an inefficiency in accounts receivable finance. For those who are familiar with it, there’s a number of different risks that take place when a company is trying to accelerate payment on accounts receivable. There’s fraud risks, there’s late payment dilution, all sorts of challenges that go into play. But what this does is, is it sort of flips the information flow and it starts with the buyer, not the seller. So we start with an approved accounts payable that really streamlines and makes efficient the financing process.
Lee Kantor: And then have you always been involved with Prime Revenue or how long have you been with the company?
Nathan Feather: I’ve been with the company for 18 years, so I joined in 2006. The very early days, I think there were maybe 15 or 20 people at that point, still looking for that first customer and those first transactions.
Lee Kantor: And then what’s the pain point a customer has where prime revenue is the right solution?
Nathan Feather: Yeah. So really it’s a company that has 1 or 2 particular things that they’re looking to do. One is to optimize working capital. So a focus on accounts payable. A focus on maybe extending payment terms to hold on to their cash longer, but without inflicting pain onto their supplier community. And the second is to provide their suppliers a better experience, to provide their suppliers visibility into what’s been approved, when payments are going to be made, and all of the remittance information that they need to apply those payments in their ERP systems.
Lee Kantor: And then why is this event Fintech South important to you and your firm?
Nathan Feather: Yeah. So I think we were at the first Fintech South, the one over at Mercedes-Benz, I don’t know, seven years ago maybe. It seems like a long time, but for us, we want to support the fintech community here in Atlanta. We’re proud members of Tag And it’s a chance for us to see what’s happening in the space every year, to check in with what’s new and what other folks are up to in in the fintech arena.
Lee Kantor: Now, is your solution kind of industry agnostic? Like you can help anybody in any industry. That’s right.
Nathan Feather: Industry agnostic. Sort of bank agnostic ERP agnostic. The only caveat I would say is businesses need to have a supply chain. So something like a bank or a consulting firm would probably not be a good customer for us. But anything in retail, manufacturing, automotive, consumer packaged goods, etc. are all great targets.
Lee Kantor: Now, is there any trends you’re seeing in the upcoming years?
Nathan Feather: Um, one, I think big trend that we’re seeing, it’s it’s been a kind of strange past couple of years, I think post Covid. There was a period in 2022 where everybody was stocking up on inventory because they were unsure about supply lines and their suppliers. In 2023, we saw a bit of a reversal of that, as well as a pretty sharp rise in interest rates. So now that we’ve settled in a little bit, I think, you know, what we’re actually seeing is more of a business as usual type of approach, to be honest. Folks are getting back to to managing their business with maybe more of a sense of optimism and certainty than they’ve had for the past 18 or so months.
Lee Kantor: So what do you need more of? How can we help you?
Nathan Feather: Um, more. More customers, more partners. Uh, Fintech South is a great place for us, and it’s a great place for us to, to meet, um, other businesses that are in the space that are doing, uh, and selling services that are adjacent to ours that we can partner with. I think I just heard your interview with, with Sarah and, um, you know, we’re looking forward to working with her and Iron Pay in the future. And that’s a relationship that came out of Fintech South.
Lee Kantor: Now, the um, when you talk about partners, what does a good partner like? What’s a good synergy for you guys?
Nathan Feather: Yeah, a good partner is someone who is in the payment space, um, and is connected to mid-market or large corporates, but doesn’t necessarily cover the space we are. So we pick up, um, you know, near the top end of the supply chain, we can go down pretty low. But, um, you know, there are other companies who are better served, probably in indirect goods or in the very small part of the supply chain. So looking to sort of cover the whole of the supplier community with a couple of partners.
Lee Kantor: So if somebody wants to learn more, have more substantive conversation with you or somebody on the team, what’s the website or best way to connect?
Speaker4: Yeah, the best.
Nathan Feather: Way to connect is at prime revenue. Com and you can just click contact us there and someone will get back to you.
Lee Kantor: Well Nathan, thank you so much for sharing your story today. You’re doing such important work and we appreciate you. Okay.
Nathan Feather: Thanks, Lee.
Speaker4: Appreciate it.
Lee Kantor: All right. This is Lee Kantor back in a few. At Fintech South.