Jackie Stavros – management professor, consultant, and co-creator of SOAR
This week on Core Dialogues Radio, Jackie Stavros – management professor, consultant, and co-creator of SOAR— shares her strengths-based approach to strategic planning. And it all lies in her SOAR framework.
As an alternate methodology to traditional SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results) is based on the principles of Appreciative Inquiry—a change management process built on the premise that organizations will move in the direction of their focus.
Jackie says that if you focus on what is not working, then your organization is likely to continue not working in the way that you want it to. Instead, your organization should focus on its greatest aspirations. You and your organization will eventually figure out how to get there.
Essentially, it’s all about engaging people within an organization to identify and deliver their desired goals.
Take a listen below, and give it a try. I have personally used this process for many years and trust me when I say…it works.
>>Connect with Jackie at jstavros@comcast.net