Lane Kawaoka is a City Project Engineer and a Licensed Professional (PE) with a Masters degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Construction Management and a Bachelors in Industrial Engineering both from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. Aside from his day job, he is the co-owner of MPFE Investments which invests in Class B/C value-add Apartment buildings and manager of the Simple Passive Cashflow Fund.
Lane’s passion project, is a free podcast and online learning resource in passive real estate investing. Working as a high paid professional in Corporate America and frustrated by the traditional wealth building dogma, Lane was compelled to inspire and mentor other working professionals on how to do real estate investing and build their own portfolios. Lane urges other working professionals just get started by utilizing their highest and best use (their day job) to save the for the 20% downpayment for a conventional loan to acquire a single family home rental. The Simple Passive Cashflow method is to only buy investments with a healthy cashflow buffer that can withstand a market downturn. Lane has gotten so much appreciation for his work via these kind words from his audience.
In addition to mentoring, Lane also partners with beginning investors who want to build their portfolio, but are too busy to handle direct investments. He uses his engineering mind, investing knowledge, and network to optimize investment returns for others via a diversified fund backed by real estate called “The Simple Passive Cashflow Fund.”