On this episode of “Strategic Insights Radio“, host Vlad Rusz introduces you to Philip Saxton, founder of Small Business Samaritans. They discuss different sales techniques to help small business owners and their sales team.
Phillip Saxton/Small Business Samaritans
Small Business Samaritans cares about the individuals who have the dream and courage to start a business. These dreams are important, not just to them and their families, but to their customers and the community where they operate. Their mission is to help small businesses & non-profits to become self-reliant and independent of economic forces including a lack of capital by identifying through business/organization assessments current needs that can be addressed through training, increasing know-how, and active consulting leading to positive results. They intend not only to “come alongside” but to ‘walk alongside”, bringing them in some cases to participate in the SBS Shark Tank process providing access to investors, banks and business brokers. Their ultimate objective is to help provide the creation of wealth, organization stability, outstanding operations and job creation.
About “Strategic Insights Radio”:
“Strategic Insights Radio” is intended to be an interactive radio show hosted by Sterling Rose Consulting Corp. Listeners can Tweet their questions for a live response on the radio to @sterling_rose1 or via @strategicradio. Also, suggestions on business topics that listeners would like to learn more about are welcome. Please send suggestions to info@sterlingroseconsultingcorp.com.