BRX Pro Tip: How Will You Spend a 1000 Minutes Today?
Stone Payton: Welcome back to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Stone Payton and Lee Kantor here with you. Lee, one of the topics that’s on my mind a lot and I think on a lot of our listener’s mind, is, how to best invest your time. You’ve got some thoughts on that.
Lee Kantor: Yeah. A lot of people don’t realize, but everyday you get 1,000 minutes, 1,000 minutes of time to do whatever it is you’re trying to get done each day. The assumption is that you’re sleeping seven hours and you have 17 hours of waking time, you know, times 60 minutes, that equals about 1,000.
Lee Kantor: So, what are you going to do today to invest that time? How many of those minutes are going to go to your work? How many are going to your health? How many are going to your family? How many are going to your community? How many are going to yourself? How many of them are wasted on T.V., social media, arguing, complaining? A thousand minutes every day can move the ball on so many fronts if you invest your time wisely. What are you doing today to spend those 1,000 minutes?