BRX Pro Tip: 3 Not So Obvious Reasons to Have a BRX Show
Stone Payton: And we are back with Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Now, Lee, we all know you don’t have to really sell me, but I’d love to hear you articulate it. Why should a professional services provider have a show on the Business RadioX network?
Lee Kantor: You know, we always talk about kind of the obvious reasons to have a show where it helps you kind of serve your ecosystem, you’re kind of growing your business, you’re building more authority, you’re meeting lots of people. All that stuff is obvious reasons why you should have a show. Some of the things that happen when you are a show and you are the media, and I think that’s an important part, being part of the Business RadioX network gives you the credential that, now, you’re part of the media. And when you’re part of the media, being part of the media has some benefits that when you’re not part of it, you don’t have.
One of the first things that I noticed when I had a show that I didn’t anticipate was that people want to do barter deals with me. They want to trade things. I mean, I had a gym membership at one of the nicest gyms in the city for years because they wanted to come on the show and talk about their business periodically. So, I let them sponsor some stuff. They would allow us to do our, kind of, meetings and big meetups in their restaurant at no charge because we had a relationship. So, barter opportunities are available because you’re providing a valuable asset to them, which is being in the media that can be traded for a variety of services in your market. I can’t tell you how many free restaurant meals that I’ve had over the years. I’m sure you can talk about how much free beer you’ve drunk over the years because of this, but it’s being the media has its privileges, and this is one of them. So, if you have opportunities to barter in ways that if you’re in another business, you probably don’t have access to this.
Second is that we create a perpetual prospect pipeline. And we talk about that a little bit as an obvious reason to be part of our thing, but I don’t think people understand the scope of how when we’re saying perpetual, we really mean perpetual. Having a show will give you a consistent flow of potential clients who are excited to be talking to you, making lead generation more efficient and less time consuming. And this is going to happen with so little effort on your part, you’re going to be blown away because people are going to constantly want to refer their friends to come on the show. This is, every guest that comes in, you’re going to ask them if they know any other guests that should come on the show. Every business group you’re part of, you can say, “Hey, we’d love to interview all your members,” and they’re going to send you all their members. Your guests are going to give you more guests. Your business groups are going to give you all their members. It’s just you’re going to have more guests and prospects in your pipeline than you know what to do with. It’s going to be silly how great this works for you and you’re going to be blown away.
And third, you get to establish authority just through the association. By being part of the Business RadioX network, you instantly get credibility for being associated with a larger, established media platform. That means you’re now a thought leader in your industry today, not down the road after you built an audience, all this stuff. You’re going to be on our website. Our website is going to have your picture on it. It’s going to talk about you. You’re going to send people to that website, and they’re going to be blown away that you’re affiliated with a group that’s been around for 20 years and has done 100,000 interviews. That’s where you start. That’s your starting point now. You didn’t have to do the 20 years, and you didn’t have to interview the 100,000 people. You get to have the credibility and authority just by being associated with us.
So, if you want to start this in your own place and you do your own independent podcast, you wouldn’t have that at your disposal. It’s going to look self-serving. It’s going to look like, “Oh, Bob’s doing a podcast to talk about Bob.”
And who’s Bob? You know, like you’re starting from scratch with zero. With us, you’re starting with a 20-year head start with 100,000 interviews under your belt before you’ve done your first one. So, these reasons go beyond the obvious benefits of increased visibility and networking that significantly impacts your professional service business, growth, and reputation. These are some, kind of, not so obvious reasons why you should be considering being part of the Business RadioX network.