BRX Pro Tip: How BRX Helps You Own Your Backyard
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] Welcome back to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, it’s been some years now, but one of our clients in a show concept strategy session, the light bulb kind of went off for him and he said, “This thing, it really helps you own your backyard.” Can you kind of describe what he meant by that and how Business RadioX really does help you own your backyard?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:24] Yeah. Owning your backyard is so important for most professional service providers. You know, it’d be great if they can get clients from all over the planet, the world’s big and there’s eight billion people and all that. But for most people, they just need to have a couple more clients each year near them, you know, in their neighborhood, in their town, in their city.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:43] So, what could you be doing to own your backyard? Business RadioX, partnering with Business RadioX, being a studio partner, and/or sponsoring a show is a great way to do that if you want to build that brand ubiquity without spending a fortune on advertising. If you want to differentiate yourself from all your competition without spending ad dollars and hoping somebody contacts you, then you should be getting ahold of your Business RadioX studio partner in your market or becoming a Business RadioX studio partner.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:15] We have shown hundreds of professional service providers how to be a big fish in a small pond by being the official business storyteller in their community. They instantly become mega connectors. They instantly become the go-to resource who knows everyone who matters most to them in their market. They have that secret weapon that helps them accelerate and build relationships with the hard to reach business leaders they need to know. And they become an indispensable resource for the ecosystem that they serve.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:46] Business RadioX works best for the challenger brand that’s tired of being a best kept secret, and they don’t have the massive ad budget that their deep pocketed market leader has. That person should be contacting Business RadioX because we can help them stand out, serve the people that matter most to them, and grow their business in an elegant, unique, impactful way.