BRX Pro Tip: Ways to Capitalize on LinkedIn
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] Welcome back to BRX Pro Tips. Stone Payton and Lee Kantor here with you. Lee, let’s talk about LinkedIn. What are some ways to capitalize on LinkedIn to serve our clients, and get out there, and market what we’re doing, and fulfill the promises that we’re making?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:18] One of the things that I like a lot about LinkedIn is the ability to connect with people and to send them a message that kind of bypasses their email or bypasses a lot of different places. And a lot of people look at the messages from LinkedIn and will respond to them. So, some of the ways that we’ve used LinkedIn in the past in our studio is when we’re trying to target a group of people, like if we know that we want to target CPAs or we wanna target payroll companies or marketing firms, we can make a search, and we could do that in a given market, we could do it in any type. We can kind of narrow down the list.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:54] And then, because our profile is that of which we run the studios and where the media, most people connect with us just by sending that out. But you can customize it even more and you can ask the people, “Hey, you know what? We’re looking for interesting guests that are CPAs. Do you know any of them? Please connect with me to discuss.” Our access to our platform is a great way to connect with people, the ideal prospect, and we can invite them to be on the show, we can invite to interview them, we can ask them for referrals in terms of other guests. And after the show, it’s a great way to connect with them if you’re not connected and saying, “I really enjoyed having you in the studio. Please connect.” And so, it’s very easy to build a really robust LinkedIn kind of group just through having access to our platform and having a show.
Stone Payton: [00:01:48] LinkedIn is a great tool anyway for most business people, I think, and maybe we’re a little bit spoiled. But particularly, for us, as media, I mean, it is just a marvelous tool. People want to connect with us. And that is such a robust tool for beginning the relationship. And then, even on the backside of shows, there’s just so much you can do to thank people for being on the show and to share the contents. It’s a marvelous vehicle for us.