BRX Pro Tip: How to Choose Your Next Opportunity
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] Welcome back to BRX Pro Tips. Stone Payaton and Lee Kantor here with you, Lee, there are so many opportunities available to us just from being a resident of this country, certainly in our business. How do you go about choosing your next opportunity?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:16] Yeah, it’s important to be able to have kind of a philosophy when it comes to opportunities. One philosophy I have is, “It’s either hell yeah or no.” So, it has to be something that I’m really passionate about before I’ll even consider it.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:32] And then, even within that, there is certain kind of things that I’m looking for. And surprisingly, it’s not always what pays the most, because when you’re choosing an opportunity, you have to look at the short term, “Oh, this is going to pay me a lot of money, so maybe I should do that,” but Ryan Holladay, who’s one of my favorite authors, says choose opportunities that teach you the most. That’s the metric he uses. What am I going to learn from this opportunity? And that’s how he decides.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:02] So, I think there’s a lot of wisdom in that philosophy also. If something is going to teach you a lot, that’s a gift that can keep on giving as you progress over time. So, that has really more value than money because money might solve an urgent need today, but, ultimately, if you want to get better, and improve, and be the best you, you really want to learn the most you can whenever you can. So, if an opportunity is available that teaches you the most, you might want to really consider doing that, even though it may not pay you the most.