BRX Pro Tip: How to Engage on LinkedIn by Commenting
Stone Payton: Welcome back to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, I know you spend considerable time on the LinkedIn platform. What are you learning about engaging on that platform?
Lee Kantor: Yeah, I think that’s a – it’s a great strategy when you’re doing social media, is to engage rather than just post constantly. So instead of always having to come up with new posts, a way around that is to engage with other people’s posts.
Lee Kantor: So number one, you want to – when you’re doing this, you always want to add value to the conversation. You want to provide constructive feedback. You want to obviously express your views respectfully and support any of your comments with some evidence, not just your opinion. That’s going to help enrich the discussion. And it shows you have the skills, you know, the critical thinking skills that are going to make you sellable.
Lee Kantor: Number two is you want to build relationships with other people by mentioning other users in your comments, if possible. You know you use the at symbol to acknowledge their contributions and this brings more people into the conversation. It creates more connections and encourages more interaction. So everybody wins when that happens. It’s great if you can offer additional information, share relevant resources, insights, or experience that can benefit others in the conversation.
Lee Kantor: Number four, kind of choose quality over quantity. This isn’t something you just want to do. “Oh, I’m going to do 20 a day,” and then just bang out a bunch of just kind of meaningless comments. You want to, you know, contribute where you have something to contribute and not just trying to do a lot of them. So be selective where you comment and choose posts that resonate with you or are relevant to your expertise. That way each comment is going to add some value.
Lee Kantor: So if you’re implementing these strategies, you can enhance your engagement meaningfully, commenting which is going to ultimately build valuable connections and showcase your expertise without you having to create brand new posts for yourself every day. So this is another way that it’s going to enhance your social standing. And obviously, LinkedIn is the social channel we use the most at Business RadioX. And if you’re in business, I would recommend that be yours as well.