BRX Pro Tip: What is Frustrating Your Prospect
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] And we are back with Business Radio X Pro Tips. Stone Payton and Lee Kantor here with you this morning. Lee, there’s all kinds of questions that we should be asking ourselves as we prepare to try to help a prospective client. But perhaps one of the most important is, what is frustrating your prospect.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:22] Yeah. This is something that requires you to be a good listener and to dig deeper than you think you should be digging. Typically, a salesperson is trying to solve a prospect’s problem, and solving the problem is table stakes. You have to be able to solve their problem. That goes without saying. But if you really want to sell the person and ultimately keep them around for a while, then you’ve got to dig a little deeper to understand what is truly frustrating this person. What is it that they wish that they could – what’s a world that they wish could exist that they’re not kind of living in right now? And if you can kind of identify and try to relieve that frustration, then you’re going to be able to increase sales.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:02] Solving the problems are kind of an intellectual challenge, and then you’re going to explain, okay, our thing does this and that’ll solve your problem. But if you can get to the frustration – frustration is more of an emotional problem. This is something that has been back burner, that’s been bugging them, that’s been poking at them for a long, long time. And they’ve just accepted that that’s just kind of the way it is.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:24] So if you can really relieve some of that frustration, then you’re going to really have a great chance to make the sale. So, obviously, solve their problem, figure out a way that you can make that problem go away, but dig deeper to find out what it is that’s really frustrating them, what’s really at the heart of what that’s keeping them up at night, not – the problem sometimes is just kind of the superficial thing that they think they need to solve. But the frustration is deeper and it’s more emotional. So, dig deeper, uncover what that is, and try to solve that. And then, you’ll be on your way to more sales.