BRX Pro Tip: Less Advice, More Encouragement
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] Welcome back to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, you are of the opinion that, for the most part, what people really need is less advice and more encouragement.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:13] Yeah. I think it’s kind of a pendulum. I think giving advice is helpful. But there’s also a place for giving encouragement. And for most people, they’ve heard your advice, and what they need is kind of you helping them believe that they can do it. And telling them, “Yes, you can do this. Yes, your dreams can come true. Yes, you are talented enough.” I think people need more yes as you can than they need more of here’s what you’re doing wrong.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:43] So, do what we do at Business RadioX every day and support and celebrate the people around you. People need to be appreciated. People need people like you to appreciate them. So, please spend some of your day appreciating the folks around you because they are important parts of the community. And to have the role as chief cheerleader and encourager and supporter is not a bad role to have.