BRX Pro Tip: Have a Regular Sales Meeting
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] And we are back with Business RadioX Pro Tips. Stone and Payton Lee Kantor here with you. Lee, I think you and I probably have a sales meeting almost every day. But really when it comes to setting up structure for your organization and supporting your team and giving them all of the tools and resources that can benefit them and the organization as a whole, your counsel is to have a regular sales meeting with the team, right?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:31] Yeah. And, I think teams should be defined as wide as possible. And especially in today’s world where everybody is remote and not everyone is in the same place, I think it’s important to have some sort of a sales meeting monthly at a minimum because this allows everyone to learn what’s working and what’s not. Simple things are language and how to deal with certain challenges and overcome certain objections.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:57] Everybody can pick up on something and you’re getting the latest information, real world information, not these hypothetical things you’re learning about, maybe new tools and tactics that are working somewhere that everyone can learn from. And this will allow everyone to improve so much faster. The problem in a lot of organizations is everything’s so siloed and somebody’s figured something out and nobody else knows about it, and this one person is killing it and the whole organization could benefit if everybody knew this information.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:28] So, do whatever you can do to make sharing this kind of knowledge easier because this raises everybody’s game faster and more efficiently. So, have a regular rhythm of a sales meeting to share these best practices and worst practices. Learn something that didn’t work. What was the biggest failure? How? – why did that happen? What did you learn from it? How can you prevent that from happening again so that other people don’t go down that kind of rabbit hole and get lost or get distracted?
Lee Kantor: [00:01:57] So, have a meeting on a regular rhythm, get as many people involved as possible because everybody is in sales in your organization. If you want to grow, everybody has to be understanding their role in the sales or whatever service or product you have.