BRX Pro Tip: 4 Tips to Stop Procrastinating
Stone Payton: And we are back with Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor, Stone Payton here with you. Lee, I don’t know if you want to talk about this right now or put it off till later, but what are some ideas for putting a stop to procrastination?
Lee Kantor: Yeah. Procrastination is one of those things that everybody has to deal with to some degree, and it’s one of those things that can really sabotage yourself and your growth.
Lee Kantor: So some ways that you can stop procrastinating are, number one, break a large task into a smaller, more manageable series of steps. A lot of times task seems too big, so you just keep delaying getting started with it. But if you can take that task, break it up into smaller pieces and then say, okay, today is the day I’m doing number one. And then just know that you’re going to slowly kind of make progress over time. That makes things easier and that makes you more likely to take action.
Lee Kantor: Number two is take action. Commit to just starting tasks that you want done. A lot of times the starting is the hardest part. So you don’t have to say, I’m going to solve this problem today, but you’re going to just start solving the problem today. And a lot of times you’ll find that just the action of starting will help you get more things done. Because once you’ve started something, it’s easier to continue doing that thing.
Lee Kantor: Another tip to stop procrastinating is – we’re talking about this earlier – eat the frog. Do the hardest thing first thing in the morning when you have the most energy and the least amount of distractions. So just tackle that thing you’ve been kind of procrastinating on and try to get that done first. And once you’ve done that, the rest of the day seems easy.
Lee Kantor: Number four, you know, give yourself some grace. You know, practice some self-compassion. Focus on progress, not perfection. You can control the process. You can’t control the outcome so do more things, get more things done, and adjust based on what you’re learning. But give yourself some grace in this.
Lee Kantor: So, those are my tips to stop procrastinating.