BRX Pro Tip: Get Crystal Clear on Value
Stone Payton: Welcome back to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, you and I have talked a lot offline more recently about the value of clarity. But one of the things we’ve got to get real clear about is the value. Can you speak to that a little bit?
Lee Kantor: Sure. In our business, it’s easy to get confused around the value we provide. Like, the value we provide at Business RadioX is, we help our clients get into relationships with new or existing people that matter the most to them. And the tool we use is radio, and podcasting, and audio, and sometimes it’s face-to-face, and sometimes it’s over Zoom, sometimes it’s the trade show.
Lee Kantor: But what our bottom line value we deliver is having a tool for our clients to meet new people that are important to them, to nurture existing relationships that are important to them, and to separate themselves from everybody else in the industry, and to elevate their business into being indispensable. That’s what we do.
Lee Kantor: If our client doesn’t really understand that and they think, “Oh, I’m sponsoring a radio show,” then it’s incongruent. They’re not going to be happy if they go, “Woah. Where’s all the listeners? How come I don’t have more listeners?” So, they think they bought one thing. You delivered a different thing. You’re happy because you’re like, “See, how good I did at delivering this thing?” And they’re like, “Well, that’s great. But I wanted a million listeners.” So then, there’s a disconnect.
Lee Kantor: So, if they are out of sync on what benefits your service provides, then you’re not going to deliver the outcome that they desire. And you got to get clear on that. And you got to be kind of on top of it. And remind them over and over that this is what they’re getting, this is why they picked us, and this is why we picked them.
Lee Kantor: So, at the start of any client relationship, you better make sure you’re on the same page on what you do, what they are expected to do, and the value you’re going to deliver if you want to have any chance of having this customer be a customer for life. So, clarity on the value you deliver is critical. You have to be able to articulate it and they have to really understand what they’re going to get if this relationship is going to work.