BRX Pro Tip: Crafting a Compelling Value Proposition
Stone Payton: And we are back with Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, what have you learned, particularly recently, about crafting that compelling value proposition?
Lee Kantor: Yeah, I think it’s so important for business owners to be able to articulate, you know, what is the thing that makes them special and unique. What is the thing that is going to compel a person to hire them and to use them, and what sets them apart from everybody else?
Lee Kantor: So, you should be doing some sort of exercise where you’re really kind of digging in and understanding what makes you special. And once you’ve done that, it’s important to be able to articulate those unique benefits of your business to those potential clients. You want to be emphasizing kind of the ROI, what makes you different from your competition, what is it that you do that other people don’t do, what is it that you see that other people don’t see, and why is it really important for people to learn about what you’re offering sooner than later, and how are you able to stop whatever pain they’re having as quickly as possible.
Lee Kantor: For example, at Business RadioX, when we’re explaining the benefits of partnering with us, we’re always highlighting our platform’s ability to build relationships quickly. We’re always highlighting the way that when you’re with Business RadioX and you’re sponsoring a show or being a studio partner, you get an increase of authority within your community. And most importantly, we’re always highlighting the unique ability of Business RadioX sponsors and studio partners to generate leads.
Lee Kantor: I mean, we are a business development tool for the people who use them. That’s what we teach. That’s what we show. That’s the value we provide. That’s what sets Business RadioX apart from our competition. Now you have to do the work and figure out what sets you apart from yours.