David Scales/Talbert Insurance Services
Talbert Insurance Services is an independent insurance agency. They have been in the business since 1983 and have over 100 years of insurance experience and have emerged as a top agency due to their knowledgeable, experienced and talented staff who are committed to their clients. They have a full time staff of professional agents and customer service representatives with many of the top designations in their fields. Each member of their team has extensive experience in helping customers with insurance plans and is an experienced problem solver. Talbert Insurance Services has been open for over 30 years and they represent over 100 years of insurance experience and knowledge. Let them put that ‘know-how’ to use by custom tailoring an insurance package for you.
Jennifer Rusz/Sterling Rose Consulting Corp

About “Strategic Insights Radio”:
“Strategic Insights Radio” is intended to be an interactive radio show hosted by Sterling Rose Consulting Corp. Listeners can Tweet their questions for a live response on the radio to @sterling_rose1 or via @strategicradio. Also, suggestions on business topics that listeners would like to learn more about are welcome. Please send suggestions to info@sterlingroseconsultingcorp.com.